Guwahati:The Assam Government on Thursday launched the 3rd Phase of the Orunodoi. The popular scheme was launched by the Chief Minister of the state Himanta Biswa Sarma at Lok Sabha Bhavan in the state capital of Dispur. The scheme which was launched back in 2020 to empower the women belonging to economically weaker sections of society, has been reintroduced after the successful completion of the previous two instalments.
From now on the scheme will provide a monthly deposit of Rs 1,250 directly into the beneficiaries' bank accounts on the 10th day of each month. The scheme will cover more than 37 lakh beneficiaries. Under the initiative, widows, unmarried above the age of 45 years, and divorced and deserted women are eligible to apply for financial assistance from the state government. Another significant change from the previous two phases is that the administration this time will link ration cards to the Orunodoi programme so that all women ration card holders can take advantage of this scheme.