Amaravati: TDP supremo N Chandrababu Naidu was on Tuesday elected as NDA leader in the Andhra Pradesh legislative assembly. At a meeting of Telugu Desam Party, Janasena and BJP legislators, held in Vijayawada, the MLAs elected Naidu unanimously after Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan proposed him as the leader, who was also backed by state BJP chief D Purandeswari. Consequently, Naidu emerged as the chief ministerial candidate.
Earlier in the morning, Naidu was unanimously elected as TDP legislative party leader, TDP leader K Atchen Naidu said. Similarly, Janasena founder Pawan Kalyan was elected as the party's floor leader in the assembly.
Addressing the meeting, Naidu said, "With all your cooperation, I am swearing in tomorrow (as the CM) and I would like to thank you all for that. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is coming for the swearing-in ceremony." Announcing that he will take charge as the CM for the fourth time, Naidu said he had asked for the Central government's cooperation for the southern state and it was 'assured'.