Achyutapuram:Ahead of Makar Sankranti celebrations, fishermen from Pudimadaka in Achyutapuram Mandal of Andhra Pradesh's Anakapalle district, netted a pair of rare 'Kachidi' fish during their weekend venture into the sea. The catch, celebrated as a symbol of good fortune, fetched a whopping Rs 1.40 lakh for them.
With many traders competing with each other to lay claim on this rare fish, a local trader from Pudimadaka successfully bagged it. Plans are already underway to export it to Kolkata, where it is in huge demand and expected to fetch a premium price.
Known for their distinctive golden hue, the male Kachidi fish, also referred to as 'gold' fish, is popular for its unique taste. It is said that one who tastes this fish once is always eager to eat it repeatedly.