Hyderabad: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi on Friday. The meeting lasted for about 90 minutes, sources claimed. Reddy was accompanied by senior Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party (YSRCP) leaders and Rajya Sabha members V Vijayasai Reddy, R Krishnaiah, Tirupati Lok Sabha MP M Gurumoorthy among others.
Sources said that the Union Finance Department has agreed to lift the component-wise ceiling in the Polavaram project and to release funds of Rs 12,911 crore to complete its first phase. According to sources, the completion of the first phase of Polavaram will cost Rs 17,144 crore, the proposal for which has been requested to be examined and approved.
Sources said that the state government had requested that Rs 7,230 crore be paid immediately for the electricity supplied by AP Genco to Telangana for three years, starting June 2014. Reddy-led YSRCP government said that the CM has demanded the implementation of multiple guarantees, including Special Status for the state.