Amaravati:Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu assumed office in his chamber in the first block of the Secretariat on Thursday. Naidu was sworn-in as the Chief Minister on Wednesday at Kesarapalle. At 4.41 pm, he took charge after offering a special pooja in his chamber in the first block of the Secretariat amidst the chanting of Vedic scholars.
State Government Chief Secretary Nirabh Kumar Prasad, State Ministers Achchennaidu, Kollu Ravindra, Nimmala Ramanaidu, Payyavula Keshav, Satyakumar Yadav and others participated in the programme. He was warmly welcomed by the senior officials of various departments and the leaders of the trade unions.
Before arriving at the secretariat, the CM visited two temples, Tirupati and Vijayawada Durga. On his way to the secretariat, Amaravati farmers showered flower petals on the CM and chanted Jai Babu' as the convoy traversed through the city. Several banners and posters were erected in the capital to welcome Naidu.