Bengaluru: In the wake of success of Shakti Yojana, the flagship scheme of Karnataka government, a delegation of Andhra ministers and officials is likely to visit Bengaluru on Thursday to study the pros and cons of the project, before rolling a similar scheme in their own state. After visiting states like Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Telangana, and Punjab, where free bus ride scheme is being implemented, the TDP-Jana Sena ministers next plan to head to Karnataka while simultaneously working on modalities for successful launch of scheme aimed at facilitating free bus rides for women.
The ambitious Shakti Yojana, which provides free travel to women in Karnataka, has seen successful implementation by the Congress government for over a year now. As per reports, the state government has expended more than Rs 300 crore free rides for women, out of the total expenditure of Rs 7507 crore towards the scheme.
Taking it as a model scheme, the Andhra Pradesh government led by CM Chandrababu Naidu has set its sights on implementing a scheme akin to Shakti Yojana.