Chennai (Tamil Nadu): Taking a plunge into politics with his newly formed 'Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam' party, actor Vijay has been prominent about his vision and plan of action in the coming years. He stated that although the state's politics are beset by a culture of hatred and division, there is also a politics of corruption in society and administration.
The 49-year-old actor in a statement shared on his X handle said that the party's ideology, motto and agendas will be 'Tamil Nadu-centric'. Also, the party's flag and policies will be revealed to the people through public events after the 2024 Lok Saba elections, he added.
He claimed that in the interim period, some of the major party activities will be carried out - such as politicising volunteers, ensuring that the party functions organisationally, electing officials as per the rules of the party and making sure that the party’s reach in the grassroots be strengthened.
"I have learnt not just the heights of politics but its depths from his seniors in politics. Politics is not my hobby, it is my quest,” he said. Speaking about the reason for his foray into politics, he spoke about the current political climate in the state," the actor said in the statement.
"Administrative malpractices and corrupt political culture on the one hand, and a divisive political culture which strives to divide our people on the lines of caste and religion on the other hand. Everyone, especially, in Tamil Nadu is yearning for a fundamental political change that can lead to a selfless, transparent, caste-free, visionary, corruption-free and efficient administration," he added in the statement.
Thus, the actor would be strengthening his party's roots in the following two years to ensure that he gives a tough fight in the 2026 Assembly Elections and emerges victorious.
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- Vijay Launches Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam To Contest 2026 Tamil Nadu Assembly Polls
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