Madurai, Tamil Nadu: In a significant development, the Madras High Court’s Madurai Bench has ordered the exhumation and X-ray examination of body of Jagaber Ali, an activist who died under mysterious circumstances in Padukottai district.
Ali had reportedly been fighting a lone battle against alleged illegal mining in Pudukottai district. While initially, his death was cited as an accident, the court's latest decision to exhume the body and carry out X-ray came in response to a petition filed by the Ali's wife Maryam who alleged that it was a 'pre-planned murder' due to his activism against illegal quarries in the district.
Maryam had also claimed that her husband received death threats from people operating the quarries, as Ali's opposition caused significant revenue losses to the government.
Maryam, in her petition, further raised questions on the credibility of the initial police investigation, citing the delayed autopsy report, and the denial of their request for a video recording of the procedure. She also raised concerns over the inadequate evidence collected from the scene of the incident.
Seeking justice, Maryam requested the court to order a re-examination of her husband's body, including X-rays and CT scans, by a panel of forensic experts including one of their own, at the Pudukottai District Government Hospital.