Hyderabad (Telangana): In a dramatic turn of events, Cyberabad police in Hyderabad have successfully cracked the high-profile Ratnalayam temple robbery incident of last week. The investigation involved an exhaustive search spanning 60 kilometers and the meticulous review of footage from 400 CCTV cameras as per officials.
The Temple Heist:
The theft occurred on the night of the 23rd of this month at the Sridevi Bhudevi Sametha Venkateswara Swamy Temple in Aliabad Ratnalayam. The culprits made off with 10 tolas of gold, 13.5 kg of silver ornaments, and 60 kg of panchaloha idols. The Cyberabad police quickly mobilized, forming five special teams to tackle the case.
Swift Police Action:
DCP N. Kotireddy, who spearheaded the investigation, detailed the police efforts. The DCP said that the teams began their hunt from 11:30 PM, the time of the theft, into the early hours of the morning, closely monitoring movements around the area. Their persistent efforts paid off on Monday when the suspects were apprehended while attempting to sell the stolen jewelry near the Outer Ring Road in Musheerabad, he said.
The arrested individuals, Neelaiah alias Anil from Medchal and Chintada Sri, also known as Aslam Ali from Musheerabad, confessed to their involvement in the Ratnalayam heist as well as 13 other temple burglaries across Medchal, Sameerpet, and Turkapalli Jeenomvyali police jurisdictions, added the DCP.
The Cyberabad Police is being hailed for cracking the temple heist. A police official said that the special police team set up to probe the theft had to rummage through 400 CCTV cameras spanning 60 kilometers which led the team to the culprits.
- Read more: Arthanareeswarar Temple heist: Theft caught on CCTV
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