Chennai:At least 35 students fainted following a suspected gas leak at Victory Metric Higher Secondary School on Village Street, Chennai. The incident occurred around noon on October 25 on the third floor of the three-storey building. The school, which houses over a thousand students, was struck by the unexpected gas leak, leading to several students losing consciousness.
The students were immediately taken to the Government General Hospital in Tiruvottiyur by ambulance. While some remain under medical supervision, others with mild symptoms received first aid and were discharged.
Rakshi, a student receiving treatment, said, “We noticed this gas smell for two days and informed the school administration, but no action was taken. Today, after inhaling the gas, I fainted, and the school advised me to drink water. Eventually, I was brought to the hospital.”
Kavitha, the mother of one affected student, expressed her concerns, saying, “The school informed me late. By the time I arrived, my daughter had already been taken to the hospital. The school administration should provide a clear explanation of what happened.”