Seoni (Madhya Pradesh): Reminiscent of the famous sequence in the superhit Bollywood film '3 Idiots', the District Health Officer in Madhya Pradesh's Seoni successfully directed a village midwife to carry out the delivery of a woman from the village amid heavy rains in the state which had left the village inaccessible. The woman has given birth to twins with both the babies and the mother said to be stable after the delivery.
The incident took place on Tuesday July 23 at Jorabadi village of Seoni under Seoni tehsil. Sources said that village woman Raveena Banshilal Uike of Jorabadi village suddenly started having labor pains. But the heavy rains in the state left the family stranded due to a flood-like situation even as the health team also could not reach the village due to inundation of the approach road.
Amid the emergency situation, the family informed District Health Officer Dr Manisha Sirsam through the ASHA worker about the situation. Acting on the information, Dr Manisha Sirsam and Chief Medical and Health Officer Dr Thakur informed Collector Sanskriti Jain about the matter. The Collector directed the Chief Medical and Health Officer to immediately send a team of doctors to Joravadi and ensure safe delivery of the woman.