Bahraich:In a shocking incident of cruelty, three Dalit boys were brutally thrashed accusing them of stealing wheat from a poultry farm in Tajpur Tedia village, located in the Kotwali Nanpara area in Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday. The perpetrators shaved the children's hair, wrote "thief" on their heads, smeared their faces with soot, and paraded them around the village. Some individuals recorded the incident and shared it on social media. Following a complaint from the family, the police have filed a case against four people and have sent three of them to jail.
Rajit Ram Paswan, a resident of Tajpur Tedia village under Kotwali Nanpara, has filed a complaint at the police station. He stated that Nazim runs a poultry farm and employs young children to work there. According to him, Nazim along with two others including his son thrashed Rajit and his neighbour's children accusing them of stealing five kilograms of wheat from the poultry farm.