Haveri (Karnataka):Twenty-five devotees, who were stranded near a ditch due to heavy rains, were successfully rescued on Monday morning at the Ramalinga Math, located on the outskirts of Baraduru village in Savanuru taluk. The group had sought refuge at the Math after being unable to proceed on their journey to Pandharpur, Maharashtra, when the Bajirayan ditch overflowed, trapping them.
Local residents alerted the fire brigade and police, who quickly sent rescue teams to the scene. Later, they safely evacuated all 25 devotees on boats.
In a related incident, a bull valued at around Rs 70,000 was killed in lightning in Nookapur, Ranebennur taluk, during the heavy rains. The owner and farmer Halesh Kumbari, is facing significant financial loss and locals are urging authorities concerned to provide compensation to the farmer.