Bengaluru (Karnataka): In a bizarre incident, opener Prakhar Chaturvedi was given out caught behind by the on-field umpire despite the opposition wicket-keeper dropping the catch and collecting the ball after grassing it during the Under-23 Col CK Nayudu Trophy final between Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh at M Chinnaswamy stadium on Sunday.
Prakhar was batting on 33 off 68 deliveries when this controversial incident happened in the game. The right-arm pacer Kunal bowled a just short-of-length delivery against the right-hand batter, who came across and tried to whack it towards the square leg boundary. But the ball took the kiss of his gloves and went straight into the hands of a wicket-keeper, who eventually dropped that catch.
The Uttar Pradesh pacer started celebrating the wicket before ensuring whether the catch was taken or not and the umpire was seen in a hurry as he called it out instead of waiting and confirming whether the ball was taken or not. Prakhar, who saw the action from the striker's end, was shocked by the umpire's decision but walked back to the pavilion.
The umpire and the wicket-keeper Araadhya Yadav have faced a lot of heat after this incident on social media. Many on social media have questioned the BCCI for the answer and demanded the board to ban the umpire and the wicket-keeper for at least two years.
Yajuvender Chauhan, a random social media user, wrote, "The wicketkeeper needs some morality lessons. If this is how he is going to play he is not likely (to) go too far in his career."