India Women's captain Smriti Mandhana and Nepal Women's captain Indu Barma at the toss. India Women's Shafali Verma and Dayalan Hemalatha celebrate their partnership during the Group A match against Nepal. India Women's Dayalan Hemalatha plays a shot against Nepal. India Women's Dayalan Hemalatha plays a shot during the Group A match against Nepal. Nepal Women's Sita Rana Magar celebrate the dismissal of India Women's Dayalan Hemalatha. India Women's Renuka Singh Thakur and Shafali Verma celebrate the dismissal of Nepal. India Women's Arundhati Reddy celebrates the dismissal of Nepal Women's Samjhana Khadka. India Women's captain Smriti Mandhana and teammates Radha Yadav. Shafali Verma and Sajeevan Sajana celebrate a dismissal. India Women's captain Smriti Mandhana and teammates exchange handshakes