Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Para cricket team captain Amir Hussain Lone is a 'real hero and an inspiration', legendary Sachin Tendulkar said on Saturday after he met the differently-abled sportsman during his trip to the valley. Tendulkar posted a video of his interaction with Lone on his social media accounts and wrote, to Amir, the real hero. Keep inspiring! It was a pleasure meeting you.
Tendulkar invited Lone to his hotel where he greeted him with a hug and also gifted him his autographed bat. Tendulkar told Lone that after he watched his video, which had gone viral last month, he wanted to meet the para cricketer. I never lost hope in my life. I always thought and kept in mind that I have to fulfil my dream, Lone told Tendulkar. Lone narrated his journey to Tendulkar, calling the former international cricketer his inspiration. Where I am today is all because of you sir. You have been my biggest inspiration, he said.
Tendulkar told Lone, What you have achieved cannot be achieved by anyone else. When an eight-year-old child suffers from such a trauma, overcoming that and then later in life becoming an inspiration for others, is a huge achievement, Tendulkar said, adding perhaps, you do not know what you have done.