Chennai:A group of young students from Thirupullani Suresh Sudha Alagan Memorial Government Higher Secondary School in Ramanathapuram district have made a significant archaeological discovery. Trained by the Antiquities Council to identify ancient artefacts, the students unearthed a 1000-year-old copper coin while playing during their summer vacation. They have learnt to identify ancient coins, and potsherds and read estampage of stone inscriptions as part of the club activities.
Manimegalai, Divyadarshini, and S. Kanishkasree, eighth-grade students from Tirupullani, found the coin while digging a hole near their home. On one side of the coin stands a man holding a flower in his hand, and to his left are four circles. Above them is a crescent. To the right is a trident and lamp. On the other side, a man is seated with a conch in his hand, and near his left hand is written 'Srirajaraja' in three lines in Devanagari script. Case edges are worn.