Ajith Kumar, one of Tamil cinema’s most celebrated actors, is not just a master of his craft but also a man who gives life goals for those in their 50s. The actor is admired for his passion for sports and how prive life he leads yet has immense fan following. The actor this morning crashed a race car during Dubai 24 Hours practice and nearly escaped a major crash. The actor will resume practice today after he managed to escape unhurt. While the news has concerned his fans, the actor has been living a life full of small and big adventures.
His passion for motor sports
Ajith Kumar’s love for motor sports is no secret. He is an accomplished racer and has participated in several professional competitions including Formula 2 championship and many national and international racing events. When he is not shooting, Thala Ajith is travelling to some undisclosed places on his bike. Pictures keep on surfacing showing him with his bike somewhere on roads with a picturesque background.
Unlike many celebrities who share their vacations details and pictures on social media, Ajith prefers tp keep his life private, which builds curiosity among his fans.