In a deeply emotional and touching Instagram post, Indian cricketer Shikhar Dhawan shared a heartfelt birthday message for his son, Zoraver. Dhawan, who has not been able to meet Zoraver for over two years, poured his heart into a caption that encapsulated both love and distance.
Dhawan wrote, " No matter the distance, even if we can’t connect as we once did, you will always be in my heart. Wishing you a year filled with madness, love, and happiness, Zora beta! (sic)."
Dhwan, who was married to Ayesha Mukherjee got seperated in 2023 on the grounds of mental cruelty. The court found that Aesha forced Dhawan to live in a long-distance marriage by keeping him away from their son for years. The court also found that Aesha backtracked on her promise to set up a home in India after marriage. Dhawan alleged that Aesha compelled him to make her the owner of three properties he bought in Australia. The court granted Dhawan visitation rights with their son, Zoravar, in both India and Australia. The court also directed Ayesha to facilitate their son's visits to India. However, despite court's order, Dhawan hasn't been able to meet his son the couple had in 2014.