Swami Kailashnand Ji Maharaj has confirmed Laurene Powell Jobs will attend the upcoming Maha Kumbh 2025 in Prayagraj. "She is coming to visit her guru here. We have named her Kamala and she is like a daughter to us. This is the second time she is coming to India... Everyone is welcome in Kumbh," he said.
Who Is Laurene Powell?
Laurene Powell Jobs is widely known as the widow of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, but she is much more than her famous last name. Laurene is a successful entrepreneur, philanthropist, and a strong advocate for social and environmental causes.
With a reported net worth of $15.8 billion, Laurene is one of the most influential women in the world today. Through her organization, the Emerson Collective, she works on important issues like education reform, climate change and social justice. For this work, she received the Spirit of Service Award from the Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals program.
World's 25th Most Powerful Woman
Laurene was ranked as the 25th most powerful woman in the world by Forbes magazine in 2023. In line with her belief in supporting journalism as a vital civic institution, Laurene is the owner and board chair of The Atlantic, a leading American magazine known for its coverage of news, politics, culture, and technology.
Laurene co-founded College Track aimed at improving high school graduation, college enrollment and college completion rates among underserved students. The program boasts impressive outcomes, with approximately 90% of its high school graduates attending four-year colleges and 70% completing college within six years.
She launched the $50 million initiative XQ: The Super School Project to inspire the creation of innovative high school models. The project awarded $10 million each to 10 schools in the US selected from around 700 submissions.