Ibrahim Ali Khan, son of Bollywood actors Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh, has gained eyeballs not only for his striking resemblance to his father but also for his sartorial fashion sense. During wedding celebrations, casual outings, or even when he is pepped outside his gym or a cafe, Ibrahim's outfit exude a princely charm. He beautifully blends traditional elegance along with contemporary flair, Ibrahim has made his statement as a growing fashion icon. In the news for all right reasons as he is reported to be seen in a film with Telugu actor Sreeleela, the actor is already making heads turn with his fashion sense.
A wardrobe of royalty
Ibrahim’s traditional outfits often become talk of the town. He carries his clothes with ease and looks regal. During a wedding in the tinsel town, Ibrahim opted for an embroidered ivory sherwani with traditional stole – the quintessential royal wear. His outfit wonderfully complemented his confident demeanor, which made him stand out in the crowd.
Another outfit that brought spotlight on Ibrahim was during Diwali celebration, where he chose a navy blue kurta with intricate gold embroidery. He paired his ensemble with tailored churidar and classic mojris.
The contemporary prince