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Lesser Known Facts About Kangaroos, The Aussie Icons

The spirit of Australia, Kangaroos are unique, strong, fascinating creatures. Know the 7 lesser known and interesting facts about them.

Kangaroos are adorable Aussie creatures that are recognized worldwide.
Kangaroos are adorable Aussie creatures that are recognized worldwide. (Getty Images)

By ETV Bharat Lifestyle Team

Published : 4 hours ago

No animal represents its continent the way kangaroos represent Australia. These iconic and adorable Aussie creatures are recognized worldwide. However, despite their cuteness and international fame, farmers often dislike them. Do you know why? Because kangaroos sneak into pastures and eat livestock feed. Kangaroos are not just cute—they’re fascinating, strong, and unique creatures that truly symbolize the spirit of Australia. Read on to discover more fun and interesting facts about this global symbol of Australia.

Hop Experts

Kangaroos can hop an incredible 25 feet (8 meters) in a single jump, thanks to their powerful limbs that allow them to cover great distances with amazing efficiency. Kangaroos are the only large animals that move by hopping. Their strong legs give them the speed to travel faster than a car in a city. You’d need to take 10 steps at a time to keep up with them!

Superpower of Pausing Their Pregnancies

Female kangaroos can pause their pregnancies if needed. (Getty Images)

Female kangaroos have an incredible ability—they can pause their pregnancies if needed. That’s right! Female kangaroos can suspend the development of their joeys (baby kangaroos) in a process called embryonic diapause. This happens when food is scarce or another joey is still in her pouch. Once conditions improve, the pregnancy resumes as usual.

Herbivores That Eat Like Cows

Kangaroos are herbivores (Getty Images)

Kangaroos are herbivores and graze on grass, herbs, and shrubs. Their unique teeth allow them to chop grass with their front teeth while their molars grind it. Remarkably, they can go for months without drinking water, and they prefer to rest during the day, coming out to graze when the weather is cooler.

When Together, They’re Called a Mob

Kangaroos are social animals, and when they gather, the group is called a mob (Getty Images)

Kangaroos are social animals, and when they gather, the group is called a mob, troop, or court. A mob can consist of dozens of kangaroos. Male kangaroos are known as boomers or jacks, while females are called does, flyers, or jills. During mating season, male kangaroos fight over females by kicking, boxing, or even biting.

Kangaroos Can Swim

These multi-talented animals are also great swimmers. They often swim to cross rivers or to evade predators. Kangaroos use their tails to propel themselves through the water and can even use their front paws to drown their pursuers.

Kangaroo Species

There are 60 different species of kangaroos, each with its unique characteristics. From the famous red kangaroo to the smaller musky rat kangaroo, these species vary greatly, but one thing is certain—they are all incredibly adorable.

Kangaroos Are Fighters

Kangaroos Are Fighters (Getty Images)

Male kangaroos often fight each other to win a mate. Using their strong legs, they balance on their tails, lean back, and punch or kick to knock down their opponent. To protect themselves from these powerful blows, male kangaroos have thickened skin around their bellies.


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