London: A review of the unduly lenient sentence imposed on a 32-year-old man guilty of the killing of British Indian teenage medical student Grace O'Malley Kumar and two others in Nottingham last year, concluded on Monday with a recommendation for the government to consider re-categorising homicide.
In its independent review, His Majesty's Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) said the CPS had complied with the law and met their obligations to the families. But the case also highlighted areas where the families could have been better supported during an incredibly difficult process.
This was a horrific and tragic case. Valdo Calocane brutally killed three innocent people, and violently attacked three other victims. My thoughts remain with all those involved in this tragic case during this devastating time, said Chief Inspector Anthony Rogers.
It is unimaginable having to deal with the death of a loved one under such horrific circumstances, but having to deal with the criminal justice system at a time of heartbreak and grief adds a further dimension of challenge. To better support victims and increase public trust, we call on the government to consider amending the homicide law, review the support provided to victims of crime in serious cases such as this, and provide greater clarity about the role of victims in the criminal justice system, he said.
Kumar, 19, was a medical student who was returning to her university with friend Barnaby Webber, also 19, when accosted by Calocane, who then went on to murder school caretaker Ian Coates nearby. Calocane was sentenced on January 25 to a Hospital Order with a Restriction Order under Sections 37 and 41 of the UK Mental Health Act 1983.
The Attorney General's office said the case received numerous Unduly Lenient Sentence referrals from the public on the day of sentencing itself, which led to the government's Law Officers reviewing the sentence that Calocane was convicted on, which was manslaughter by diminished responsibility and attempted murder offences.