New Delhi: In the wake of the recent attacks against Indian students in the US, the Ministry of External Affairs on Thursday said that there was "no foul play or interconnectedness" in the incidents. Disclosing details of the unfortunate deaths of five Indian students in the US, MEA spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said, "Five Indian students, who died, include students from India diaspora, of this five, two are Indian nationals and rest three are of Indian origin, but the US nationals. The culprit behind Vivek Saini's murder has been arrested, local authorities are investigating the matter and taking it forward".
"There is no foul play in the second case according to the preliminary report, but we await the medical report. We are in touch with the local authorities in the cases of Indian nationals", he added. The perpetrator, who killed Vivek Saini, with repeated blows from a hammer by a homeless man inside a store in Lithonia, Georgia, the US on January 29, has been arrested and the local authorities are investigating the case," Jaiswal said.
In another case at the University of Cincinnati, a preliminary report suggests no foul play, although the medical report is awaited, the MEA spokesperson said. He said that the MEA is actively engaged with local authorities, consulates and missions to support the affected families.