Chennai (Tamil Nadu): Tamil Nadu Minister for Minorities Welfare and Non-Resident Tamils Welfare, KS Masthan on Thursday said that 5 people from the state have died in the Kuwait fire incident. Masthan quoted the information from the Tamil associations based abroad and said that it would take time to identify the deceased.
"Five Tamilians died in Kuwait Mangaf tragedy. We got this information from Tamil Sangam in Kuwait, not officially from the Indian Embassy. As this is a fire tragedy it will take time to identify the deceased. When official information comes we will take measures to shift the body from Kuwait to their native in Tamil Nadu," Masthan said.
The minister told reporters that deceased belonged to Thanjavur, Ramanathapuram and Villupuram regions of the state and were identified as Rama Karuppan, Veerasamy Mariyappan, Chinnadurai Krishanamoorthy, Mohammad Sharif, and Gunaf Richard Rai. "Tamil Nadu Chief Minister has ordered our department to monitor the situation continuously. Nothing to fear, the government will do all the help," Masthan said.