Hyderabad: As the New Year celebrations took over Bollywood, most stars were seen jetting off to exotic locations with their families. However, Siddhant Chaturvedi, Ishaan Khatter, and Vedang Raina chose to keep it simple yet exciting with a road trip to Goa, and their casual Instagram posts have set social media on fire. The trio, considered some of the most promising young actors in Bollywood, shared pictures of their getaway, leaving fans wondering if this was more than just a vacation.
Siddhant took to Instagram to post a series of vintage-style photos from their road trip, captioning it, "with Thee Buoyyys @ishaankhatter @vedangraina." The photos feature the trio cruising in a blue convertible, chatting on the beach, and soaking in the scenic beauty of Goa. The camaraderie and carefree vibes captured in the snaps immediately reminded fans of iconic Bollywood road trip films like Dil Chahta Hai (2001) and Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara (2011).
The post sparked a frenzy in the comments section, with fans speculating about a potential collaboration. "Is this an unofficial announcement of ZNMD 2 (Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara 2) or Dil Chahta Hain 2?" one excited user wrote, while another said, "Dil Chahta Hai vibes!!" Adding fuel to the fire, Vedang jokingly replied to Siddhant's post, "Airdrop toh kar deta pehle," while Ishaan wrote, "When the Goa plan actually makes it out of the group chat."