Hyderabad:Bollywood power couple Sanjay Dutt and Maanayata Dutt celebrate their 16th wedding anniversary on Sunday. To mark the special day, actor Sanjay Dutt uploaded a beautiful video containing a collage of cherished moments with his wife, Maanayata Dutt. Moreover, Maanayata too reciprocated the love as she penned an emotional message, especially for the occasion.
In the caption to the Instagram post, Sanjay expressed his love and gratitude, calling Maanayata "Mom" and expressing genuine appreciation for her role in his life. The actor alongside a video post wrote: "Happy anniversary Mom, thank you for being the best part of my life and thank you for the 2 most wonderful children you have given me, love you the most Mom, I will always be by your side even after the end of the world, love you and happy anniversary @maanayata."
In honour of their 16th wedding anniversary, Maanayata also shared a lovely photo with her husband, expressing their commitment to cherishing both the 'sweet' and 'sour' aspects of life. She took to Instagram to share a heartfelt post for her actor-husband, Sanjay Dutt, writing: "Sweet sixteen!!! Celebrating the sweet and sour moments of our life….forever… and ever and together! Love you always and ever!! @duttsanjay 😘 #dutts #16thanniversary #love #grace #positivity #beautifullife #thankyougod"