Hyderabad: Prithviraj Sukumaran's film Kaaliyan, which was announced in 2017, is yet to go on floors. Initially slated for release in several Indian languages, it is considered one of the first pan-Indian films in Malayalam. Despite the excitement surrounding the project, production has not commenced as anticipated. Last year, there were indications from the makers that filming was on the verge of starting, however, even after a year, the pre-production work has not begun.
Recently, during an interaction with ETV Bharat, scriptwriter BT Anil Kumar provided insights into the film's current situation. He stated, "There are various factors contributing to the prolonged duration before the shooting begins. The COVID-19 pandemic struck just when we were finally prepared to proceed. Like many in the industry, we faced challenges due to the pandemic affecting Kaaliyan and its cast." He further mentioned that approximately one and a half years ago, they held auditions that successfully introduced them to several new talents across four different categories.