Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan captivated fans at a grand event organised by DAMAC Properties in Dubai. Known for his unmatched charm and magnetic presence, the actor stole the spotlight by striking his signature poses and delivering iconic dialogues from his blockbuster films. Enthusiastic attendees flooded social media with pictures and videos from the gathering, highlighting SRK's effortless ability to entertain and connect with his audience.
Playful Exchange With A Fan
During the event, a fan expressed admiration for the actor, leading to a light-hearted exchange. With a witty style of his own, SRK retorted, "I know, I also love you. We can marry after this." The fan further added that he wanted to touch him which made the actor laugh and make a light retort, "Arey, aise thodi na bolte hai publicly (who says that publicly)? 'I want to touch you, touch you, touch you.' Even I feel shy. Will anyone say this like that publicly? I'm here, not going anywhere." His playful words left the crowd left the crowd in splits.
Exciting Update On Upcoming Film King
SRK shared an update about his much-anticipated film, King, directed by Siddharth Anand, who also helmed the blockbuster Pathaan. "I'm shooting it in Mumbai when I return in a couple of months. My director, Siddharth Anand, is very strict. He told me not to reveal anything about the film, but I assure you it will entertain you and be a lot of fun." The actor added, "I've used many titles before, and now we've run out. So it's Shah Rukh Khan as Shah Rukh Khan in King. That's a bit of a show-off."
His Special Connection With Dubai