Hyderabad: Priyanka Chopra Jonas arrived in Mumbai early Friday morning to promote her Marathi film Paani, which is set for a big-screen release on October 18. The global icon was spotted at the airport in a chic white and blue outfit, consisting of a white crop top, matching track pants, a long shrug, a denim cap, and white shoes. Priyanka is all set to launch the trailer of her Marathi film Paani in Mumbai and was all smiles at the airport, returning to her homeland.
The actor even shared a picture of her view from the flight as she landed in Mumbai. Along with he picture, she wrote: "Mumbai meri jaan." On her arrival, she greeted the paparazzi stationed there and obliged for pictures as well.
Paani, directed by Adinath Kothare, is a film about an ordinary man from Nagderwadi, a drought-stricken village in Nanded. The story chronicles his efforts to make the village self-sufficient in water despite significant challenges. Produced by Priyanka and Madhu Chopra under their banner Purple Pebble Pictures, alongside Rajshri Entertainment, the film features Subodh Bhave, Kishore Kadam, Addinath Kothare, and Rucha Vaidya. The film was originally released in 2019 and won the National Film Award for Best Film on Environment Conservation.