Mumbai:A fresh case has been filed by Mumbai Police concerning the firing incident outside actor Salman Khan's home in April. According to a statement shared by officials on Sunday, one person from Rajasthan has been arrested for criminal intimidation.
Identified as Banwarilal Laturlal Gujar (25) from Bundi, Rajasthan, the accused allegedly posted a threatening video on his YouTube channel. The official mentioned, "In the video recorded on a Rajasthan highway, Gujar claimed affiliation with Lawrence Bishnoi, Goldy Brar, and their gang members, asserting his intent to harm Salman Khan for not apologising yet."
Due to the gravity of the threat, a team was dispatched to Rajasthan, leading to the arrest of the accused. The case has been registered at a cyber police station in Mumbai. "We are verifying the criminal background of accused Gujar," the official added. The accused faces charges under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code, including 506(2) (punishment for criminal intimidation), and provisions of the Information Technology Act. Further investigation is ongoing.
The incident in April involved two motorcycle-borne assailants firing multiple rounds outside Salman Khan's Bandra residence early on April 14. A total of six individuals were previously arrested in connection with the incident, with one individual, Anuj Thapan, reportedly committing suicide in police custody on May 1.