Patna:Bollywood star Manoj Bajpayee is set to hit a milestone with his latest film, Bhaiyya Ji, releasing today on May 24. The actor shared snippets about the film in an exclusive interview with ETV Bharat while on a promotional spree. The movie is a gripping action-packed tale depicting the love between stepbrothers.
When asked about his character in his 100th film Bhaiyya Ji, he said that the character is the backbone of the story. "It is a story of a stepmother and son. It is a story of love between step-brothers," said the actor. He revealed that the titular character, Bhaiyya Ji, is pivotal, showcasing a story of familial bonds. In a twist, the elder brother must choose between family and himself, setting the stage for intense drama.
On the Bihar backdrop, the actor said that while the story could be from anywhere, it could be of Madhya Pradesh, it could be of Uttar Pradesh, it could be set anywhere in Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh. But the choice of the director was to place the story in Bihar. The makers chose Bihar, bringing its essence to the forefront. He went on to say that for many years, the land of Bihar has been missing from the mainstream and hoped that people would associate with the background of Bihar and the culture and tradition showcased in the film.