Hyderabad:South actor Keerthy Suresh, known for her remarkable performances in films like Mahanati, was recently spotted with her family at the sacred Tirupati temple. The actor sought blessings ahead of a significant personal milestone: her upcoming wedding. Confirming the long-rumoured news, Keerthy told the paparazzi that she would be tying the knot with her long-time boyfriend, businessman Antony Thattil, in a destination wedding in Goa. The wedding is reportedly scheduled for December 11, 2024.
Keerthy's confession comes shortly after the actor shared her first public picture with Antony, marking a special moment in their relationship. The picture, taken during Diwali, shows Keerthy and Antony enjoying the festive spirit, with Antony holding a firecracker while Keerthy smiles next to him. In her Instagram post, she fondly referred to their 15-year-long relationship, writing, "15 years and counting… It has always been.. AntoNY x KEerthy (Iykyk)."
Keerthy Suresh Confirms December Wedding with Antony Thattil at Tirupati (Video source: ETV Bharat) The couple's wedding preparations are already underway in Goa, and the news has sent fans into a frenzy. Antony, a businessman from Kochi, Kerala, owns a prominent resort chain in the state, making him a well-known figure in the hospitality industry. Keerthy's wedding in Goa is expected to be an intimate affair with close friends and family members in attendance.
Keerthy Suresh, who started her career as a child actor, rose to fame with films like Mahanati, for which she won the National Film Award. The actor, who has carved a niche for herself in Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam cinema, will next be seen in Baby John, an action-packed drama starring Varun Dhawan. The movie is slated for release on December 25, 2024, just two weeks after her wedding.
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