Hyderabad: The upcoming film Singham Again, helmed by Rohit Shetty, is one of the highly-anticipated movies of the year. The film features Ajay Devgn reprising his iconic role as Bajirao Singham. The excitement surrounding the movie has been further fueled by the release of captivating behind-the-scenes glimpses from the shooting locations in Srinagar, which have left fans eagerly awaiting more updates.
Recently, Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) took to social media to share a picture and a video featuring Ajay Devgn and Rohit Shetty interacting with the jawans in Jammu and Kashmir. The image showcases Devgn and Shetty posing with the jawans, with Devgn donning a police uniform, suggesting that he took time out from the film's shoot to meet the SSB personnel. The endearing moments captured in the video have won over the hearts of netizens.