Hyderabad:The highly anticipated investigative thriller Vettaiyan, featuring cinematic legends Rajinikanth and Amitabh Bachchan, has garnered significant attention at the box office, amassing an impressive Rs 134.25 crore in just 11 days since its release. The film, which opened to strong numbers on October 10, earned an estimated Rs 5 crore on its second Sunday, reflecting a notable resurgence in ticket sales after a dip in the previous week.
On October 20, the film recorded a Tamil occupancy rate of 30.10 percent, with peak attendance in the afternoon and evening shows, reflecting strong viewer interest in key markets like Chennai and Bengaluru. In Chennai, the occupancy rate soared to 38.75 percent, while Bengaluru recorded a respectable 20.75 percent. The Hindi version also saw a good turnout, with notable occupancy rates in cities like Jaipur and Lucknow.
Break-down of Vettaiyan 10-day box office collection
- Thursday: Rs 31.7 crore
- Friday: Rs 24 crore
- Saturday: Rs 26.75 crore
- Sunday: Rs 22.3 crore
- Monday: Rs 5.6 crore
- Tuesday: Rs 4.3 crore
- Wednesday: Rs 4.3 crore
- Thursday: Rs 3.2 crore
- Friday: Rs 2.6 crore
- Saturday: Rs 4.25 crore
- Sunday: Rs 5.15 crore
- Total: Rs 134.4 crore