Hyderabad:Upasana Konidela, the wife of actor Ram Charan, has come forward to defend her husband after he faced criticism for visiting a dargah in Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh. Ram Charan had attended the 80th National Mushaira Ghazal event at the Ameen Peer Dargah, where he was seen bowing his head in reverence and offering a chaddar made of flowers.
Taking to X (formerly known as Twitter), Upasana shared a heartfelt note and a picture of Ram Charan inside the dargah. In the image, Ram is seen in a black traditional outfit, hands placed on his chest and head bowed, surrounded by other attendees, including singer Mohit Chauhan. The photo was a powerful symbol of Ram's respect for all religious practices. However, his visit was met with criticism to which Upasana has now responded with a heartfelt post.
Upasana wrote, "Faith unites, never divides. As Indians, we honour all paths to the divine 🙏. Our strength lies in unity. #OneNationOneSpirit #jaihind." She continued, praising Ram Charan for his respectful attitude towards all religions, adding, "@AlwaysRamCharan respecting other religions while following his own."