Hyderabad: Just hours before Megastar Chiranjeevi received the prestigious Padma Vibhushan award, daughter-in-law Upasana Konidela uploaded a behind-the-scenes video from their hotel room. Upasana took to Instagram to share the video on her account of Chiranjeevi posing for a photo shoot before receiving his Padma Vibhushan award. Chiranjeevi's wife, Surekha Garu, and son, Ram Charan, were also seen in some of the candid vides shared by Upasana.
However, what piqued viewers' interest was Upasana's intriguing question to the Megastar. In the video, Upasana inquired, "What does she have in common with her daughter Klin Kaara?" The actor took some time to answer but then gave up to which Ram Charan's wife Upasana replied that both of their grandparents are Padma awardees. The answer left Chiranjeevi smiling and beaming with pride.
For the unversed, on Thursday, the Government of India bestowed the second-highest civilian award, the Padma Vibhushan, on Megastar Chiranjeevi. Chiranjeevi accepted the coveted award from President Droupadi Murmu in front of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah. The ceremony was held at Rashtrapati Bhavan in the national capital. The winners of this year's Padma Awards were announced on Republic Day evening.