Hyderabad: The trailer of the Netflix docu-series titled The Roshans was dropped on Thursday, January 9. This four-part series delves into the illustrious lives and careers of the Roshan family including Roshan Lal Nagrath, Rajesh Roshan, Rakesh Roshan, and Hrithik Roshan, with other personal stories from several Bollywood figures.
In the trailer, Hrithik shares the story behind their family surname, which changed from Nagrath to Roshan, as an honour to his grandfather Roshan Lal Nagrath, a revered music composer. Asha Bhonsle reflects on the rarity of a family that has four artists contributing to a shared legacy. Other celebrities including Anil Kapoor, Sonu Nigam, Vicky Kaushal, Preity Zinta, Sanjay Leela Bhansali, and Priyanka Chopra express admiration for the Roshans' contributions to Hindi cinema.
Shah Rukh Khan draws a parallel between Rajesh and Rakesh to the iconic characters Karan and Arjun, while Ranbir Kapoor praises Hrithik as "a phenomenon," highlighting his remarkable success following his debut 25 years ago. Rajesh Roshan humorously recalls warning friends about his brother Rakesh's charm and street-smart personality. The trailer also touches upon Rakesh's shooting incident, along with Hrithik's transformation from a shy person to a celebrated star.