Hyderabad:The Thandel team dropped a special video of Sai Pallavi on her birthday on 9 May. The makers of Naga Chaitanya's next project Thandel have released a special video for the actor as announced ahead of her 32nd birthday. The film Thandel, directed by Chandoo Mondeti, will star Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi in the lead and is a love story set in a rural setting with nationalistic overtones.
The heartwarming video opens with Sai's previous characters highlighting her journey as an actor and then turns to her latest film opposite Naga Chaitanya. The behind-the-scenes footage shows Sai in all her glory, smiling, crying and having fun on the sets of Thandel. The video also contains bloopers, sure to make any one laugh. It also had endearing moments of Sai embracing her fans and having an emotional moment on the set.
Sharing the 'special' video on X (formerly known as Twitter), the makers wrote: "You act. We celebrate. You perform. We cherish. Happy Birthday 'Bujji Thalli' aka @Sai_Pallavi92 On your special day here's a special gift from team #Thandel ⚓ #HBDSaiPallavi ❤🔥 #Dhullakotteyala Yuvasamrat @chay_akkineni @chandoomondeti"
A day before her birthday, team Thandel had announced to share a video of the actor on her special day on their official X handles along with a photo of Sai Pallavi seated near a fort against a backdrop of water. The pre-birthday post stated that the team is preparing to release a special video featuring her character, Satya, from the film on her 32nd birthday. Standing true to their promise, the makers unveiled the video early on Thursday morning.