Hyderabad:Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya, which stars Shahid Kapoor and Kriti Sanon in the lead, is currently generating a lot of buzz. The film, directed by Amit Joshi and Aradhana Sah, tells an unusual love story between a human and a robot. The film, which is set to be released only days before Valentine's Day, promises to be a one-of-a-kind love story set in the age of AI. The film's advance box office results also looking encouraging with the film earning over 45 lakh for its first day.
The film has grossed an estimated Rs 46.22 lakh from the sale of 23, 079 tickets, and is set for a successful run with 3755 scheduled screenings. Regionally, Maharashtra leads with a collection of Rs 19.17 lakh, followed closely by Delhi with Rs 17.2 lakh. Uttar Pradesh ranks third, contributing Rs 11.98 lakh to the film's remarkable early revenues.
Talking about the film, Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya tells the story of a computer engineer (Shahid) who falls in love with a humanoid robot (Kriti) and eventually marries her. The film, which is due to be released on Friday, February 9, will have a solo run in theatres as no new Hindi film is scheduled to released that day. It also arrives in time for Valentine's Day week, ensuring a great run at the box office.