Hyderabad: Tamil actor Jayam Ravi has officially announced a personal and professional transformation by changing his birth name to Ravi Mohan. This announcement, posted as a statement on social media, comes in the midst of what are crucial times of his career, including the upcoming release of Kadhalikka Neramillai, in which he co-stars with Nithya Menen.
Taking to Instagram, Ravi Mohan stated, "From this day forward, I will be known as Ravi/Ravi Mohan, a name that deeply resonates with my personal and professional aspirations. As I move into this new chapter, aligning my identity with my vision and values, I kindly request everyone to address me by this name and no longer as Jayam Ravi."
Ravi Mohan has also announced the launch of his own production company, Ravi Mohan Studios, as part of this life-changing experience. He mentioned in his statement, "This venture represents my commitment to nurturing emerging talent and bringing profound, meaningful stories to the cinema." The studio aims to provide a platform for diverse voices in the industry and contribute to the evolution of storytelling in Tamil cinema.