Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan is rumoured to be dating Brazilian model-turned-actor Larissa Bonesi. She has been seen with a number of celebs and at events where Aryan is also present on several occasions. And, once again, the rumoured couple drew attention when they attended the same function on Sunday night.
Ever since reports of Khan supposedly dating Larissa Bonesi hit the internet, netizens have been buzzing with curiosity. As a result, social media users and paparazzi have been paying special attention to the rumoured couple. On July 7, SRK's son was spotted arriving at a fancy event in Mumbai, where he was soon joined by the Brazilian model-turned-actor.
The two were seen entering the same venue separately to attend the star-studded event. Khan dressed for the occasion in a simple black t-shirt and army pants. He completed his look with a blue denim jacket and dazzling silver sneakers. Larissa arrived wearing a black two-piece set. She teamed her medium-length denim jacket with black boots. She entered the venue with her friends, wearing makeup and her hair open.