Chennai: In the wake of the Hema Committee report, which has significantly impacted Malayalam cinema by highlighting sexual harassment faced by female actors, Tamil actors are now voicing their own experiences and calling for similar measures in the Tamil film industry.
They are advocating for the establishment of a dedicated committee to address and prevent sexual harassment within Kollywood.
In response to this growing demand, the SIAA-GSICC committee has convened to discuss and implement measures to enhance the safety and protection of women in the South Indian Actors' Association. The advisory meeting was held on Wednesday at 11:30 in Chennai.
The meeting was led by prominent figures including SIAA President Nasser, Vice President Puchi S Murugan, Treasurer Karthi, and Committee President Rohini. Notable members such as Suhasini, Khushboo, Lalitha Kumari, Kowai Sarala, and social activist Raji Gobi also participated.
The resolutions passed during the meeting include several key measures:
1. Based on the complaints of the victims of sexual harassment, it is recommended that the Producers' Association investigate the perpetrators and ban them from working in the film industry for five years if the complaints are found to be true.
2. The committee will provide all legal assistance to the victims for filing a police complaint.