Hyderabad: Nearly a week back, the yesteryear diva Zeenat Aman had shared her unabashed views on live-in relationships. In a long note dropped on her social media handle, she had advised young couples to live together before taking their relationship to the next level. This opinion of hers didn’t go well with veteran actor Mukesh Khanna who criticised the idea. Furthermore, Soni Razdan also took a sly dig at the Shaktimaan actor through her social media.
In a recent interview, Mukesh Khanna slammed Zeenat Aman’s idea of live-in relationships. Calling it unacceptable in Indian culture, he opined that it has come from West. Meanwhile, Soni Razdan laughed off Khanna’s opinion and backed Aman’s point of view.
Razdan responded to Khanna’s remarks by suggesting the potential complications of living together without compatibility. She quipped, "Gosh. Can’t imagine what would happen if a couple live together in a 'live-in' relationship and don’t get along. The mind boggles," adding a smiley emoji.
In his interview, Khanna expressed his disapproval of live-in relationships, attributing it to Western influence. He criticized Aman for advocating a lifestyle inconsistent with Indian values, cautioning against the potential consequences of such arrangements.
"Live-in relationships are not recognized in our culture and history. It has come from Western civilization. Zeenat Aman is speaking about the matter, and she has lived her life according to Western civilization from the very beginning. This is not acceptable in Indian culture. Just imagine if a boy and a girl live with each other like husband and wife before marriage, and they do not get along well, then imagine what will happen to both of them. Those who are saying such things should think before speaking," said the 65-year-old actor.
Zeenat, meanwhile, shared her perspective on live-in relationships when her followers on Instagram asked for her opinion on the same. "One of you asked me about relationship advice in the comments section of my last post. Here’s a personal opinion I haven’t previously shared - if you’re in a relationship, I strongly recommend that you LIVE TOGETHER before getting married!" wrote the actor.
She further continued by writing, "It’s easy to be the best version of yourself for a few hours a day. But can you share a bathroom? Weather the storm of a bad mood? Agree on what to eat for dinner every night? Keep the fire alive in the bedroom? Work through the million tiny conflicts that inevitably arise between two people in close proximity? In short - are you actually compatible?"
Despite societal taboos, she advocated for a more pragmatic approach to partnerships. She concluded by acknowledging societal norms and wrote, "I’m aware that Indian society is a little uptight about “living in sin” but then again, society is uptight about so many things! Log kya kahenge?"
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