Hyderabad: Actor Sonali Bendre reflected on the rumours that troubled her career, including false affairs with her co-stars. The actor revealed that nowadays, actors are often asked if they would like to fuel rumours about their personal lives to generate buzz around their projects. However, during her early days in the industry, such gossip was simply created to promote films, and the actors couldn't help it.
While speaking to a newswire, Sonali stated that baseless rumours about her personal life, including her relationships and feuds with co-stars, which were often splashed across headlines were not true at all. "These days, actors are at least asked if they would want link-up rumours with their co-stars to be floated around," she said.
"During my time, we weren't even asked, and those gossips would just be out there to promote the film, and the actors had no choice. There was a motive to link the lead pair up just to be in the news. Itne shiddat ke saath yeh karte the ki (They used to do it so diligently) I think they (such gimmicks) may have worked. But I found these things to be really strange," she further said.