Hyderabad: Singer Adnan Sami has announced the passing of his mother, Begum Naureen Sami Khan, who was 77. Taking to his social media handle on Monday, Sami shared the heartbreaking news along with a photo of his mother, expressing deep sorrow. The singer, known for hits like Bhar Do Jholi Meri, Tera Chehra, and Bheegi Bheegi Raaton Mein, penned an emotional tribute in the caption of his post.
He wrote, "It's with the greatest sadness & infinite sorrow that I announce the demise of our beloved Mother Begum Naureen Sami Khan… We are overtaken by profound grief. She was an incredible lady who shared love & joy with everyone she touched. We will miss her immensely. Kindly say a prayer for her departed soul. May Allah SWT bless our dearest Mother in Jannat-ul-Firdaus...Ameen…"