Hyderabad:Siddharth Mallya has tied the knot with his girlfriend Jasmine London. The first picture from their wedding just popped up on Jasmine's Instagram Stories moments ago. The snap features Jasmine in a stunning white bridal gown, hand in hand with her husband Sidhartha Mallya, sporting a gleaming gold wedding band. The couple had officially announced their engagement last Halloween.
Siddharth Mallya, known as the son of fugitive Indian businessman Vijay Mallya, had earlier announced their impending wedding week on Instagram. "Wedding week has begun," Mallya had captioned an Instagram post earlier this week, sharing a photo with his fiancée. The image captured the bride-to-be in a floral dress, posing with the groom against a floral backdrop.
In the days leading up to their wedding, they were spotted together on a shopping spree. The ceremony itself was an intimate affair attended by close friends and family of the bride and groom. Some of the wedding attendees also shared pictures of the personalized wedding favors given by the couple on social media.