Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn has been grabbing the spotlight for his latest movie Shaitaan, a psychological mystery thriller that also stars R Madhavan and Jyothika in the lead roles. Directed by Vikas Bahl, Shaitaan marks Ajay's first collaboration with R Madhavan and Jyothika. As the film hits the silver screens today, March 8, it is anticipated to bring in a first-day box office collection of Rs 10.8 crores.
Shaitaan is definitely one of the most awaited films of the year, with reports suggesting it is a remake of the Gujarati movie Vash. From the teaser to the star-studded cast, the captivating trailer, and now with the film's release, Shaitaan has left the audience frenzy with its spine-chilling narrative.
According to industry tracker Ormax Media, Shaitaan is projected to earn Rs 10.8 crores on its opening day, making it a strong contender for the year's highest opener. Although the official figures are not yet confirmed, if the predictions hold true, Shaitaan could rank as the second-highest opening film of the year. Notably, Fighter starring Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone currently holds the record for the highest first-day collection with earnings of Rs 24.60 crores.
During an interaction with a webloid, R Madhavan shared his experience working with Ajay Devgn for the first time, praising Ajay's talent by saying, "I have been in the industry long enough to know that if there is a real Singham in the industry, it is him." Expressing admiration for Ajay's acting skills, Madhavan expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to work on Shaitaan and commended Ajay's generosity in sharing the spotlight. Madhavan also discussed his character's significance in the movie and his newfound admiration for Ajay's work.
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