Hyderabad:The first episode of actor Neha Dhupia's popular talk show No Filter Neha Season 6 was dropped on Thursday. Neha shared the promo on Instagram featuring the Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya actor. Shahid in the sneak peek could be seen talking about his brother Ishaan Khatter, his films, and how he met Neha for the first time.
The show host dropped the snippet of the first episode from her chat show with the caption, "May truth bombs be told! It's finally here ... #nofilternehaseason6 and this time on video ... watch my gold ol' friend @shahidkapoor at his sassiest best! Only on #nofilterneha."
On the show, Shahid opened up about his decision not to have Ishaan Khatter (his brother) on the set of his 2016 film Udta Punjab. He explained, "I was, playing a cocaine addict. I don't even know what it is like to have a drink. So l was like, this is the most challenging film that I'm doing and I don't know if I'll get this character right. And I don't want the baggage of having my brother because when your younger brother is an AD, you know your one eye is there. Now you're like always theek hai kya, khana."