Hyderabad: Veteran actor Biswajit Chatterjee, known for his impressive filmography of almost 150 movies, has made his mark in both Bengali cinema with titles like Baba Taraknath and Hindi films such as Bees Saal Baad. Interestingly, Biswajit emerged as a frequent topic of conversation in the household of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan. During a talk show hosted by Anupam Kher, King Khan revealed that his mother was a fan of Biswajit Chatterjee.
In response to this revelation, ETV Bharat reached out to Biswajit Chatterjee to gain insight into his feelings regarding this information. He confirmed, "Yes, I am aware that Shah Rukh's mother was my fan. Now that we've touched on this topic, let me share a little story."
During his conversation with ETV Bharat, the veteran actor recounted his initial encounter with Shah Rukh Khan, which took place on a film set. He reminisced, "I first met Shah Rukh Khan during the shoot of Farah Khan's debut film Main Hoon Na, where Shah Rukh starred as the lead actor. I was invited to the set by Farah as I am her father's friend. As Farah introduced us, Shah Rukh mentioned, 'My mother was a big fan of yours'."
Chatterjee recalled that memorable day, stating, "Shah Rukh shared that when he was just a child, his mother would often say, 'My favourite hero is Biswajit Chatterjee. He's much more handsome than you.' This used to spark quite a few arguments between young Shah Rukh and his mother. He would assert that he was better looking than I was, often teasing her by saying, 'Your Biswajit is ugly!' It's clear how much Shah Rukh cherished his mother, whose love and admiration were irreplaceable," he said.